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Equity Resources 

A Project of the CWBA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

The Equity Resources Page is an initiative of the Colorado Women’s Bar Association Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee. While not comprehensive, it is meant to be a resource to our members and the community to help continue and support their DEI-based efforts that build a fair society by giving everyone equal opportunities, reducing disparities, and creating cultures of inclusion and equity. 


Democracy Resources

National Conference of Bar Presidents (NCBP) has curated this list of selected resources to help you as bar leaders consider ways that your bar organizations, depending on your local circumstances, can promote democracy and the rule of law by addressing issues such as voting, elections, misinformation, and civics.

American Bar Association - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Center

Provides guidance, spearheads projects, and enhances collaboration and communication to advance ABA Goal III–to eliminate bias and enhance diversity in our Association, legal profession, and justice system. Goal III entities within the Center advance different but interrelated areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion.


Colorado Cross Disability Coalition - The Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition, or CCDC, is Colorado’s premier disability rights advocacy organization. They are run by and for people with disabilities and advocate for social justice for Coloradans with all types of disabilities.

Disability Law Colorado - Disability Law Colorado is the Protection & Advocacy System for Colorado. They work to protect disability rights and improve the human, civil, and legal rights of Coloradans through legal representation, advocacy, and education.



COLORADO IMMIGRATION ATTORNEYS LIST (American Immigration Lawyers Association members)

Colorado Office of New Americans

Denver Children’s Advocacy Center - Immigrant Family Initiative - The Initiative offers resources, therapy and support to kids and families facing difficulty due to immigration. The program supports kids at no cost to the families and regardless of insurance or immigration status. 

Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition - The Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition (CIRC) is a statewide, membership-based coalition of immigrant, faith, labor, youth, community, business and ally organizations founded in 2002 to improve the lives of immigrants and refugees by making Colorado a more welcoming, immigrant-friendly state.

Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network - RMIAN works to ensure justice for adults in immigration detention and for immigrant children who have suffered from abuse, neglect, or violence.

RMIAN Self-Help Resources, Pro Bono opportunities for attorneys, and RMIAN case types overview

RMIAN Know Your Rights Resources

Ukranian Resources


Colorado Name Change Project

One Colorado - Happenings at the Capitol - One Colorado is the state’s leading advocacy organization dedicated to advancing equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) Coloradans and their families.

The Center on Colfax - The Center on Colfax will be a collaborative leader that positively impacts the lived experience of LGBTQ+ people in Denver and Colorado by creating inclusive programs and events, fostering connections, and leveraging the individual and collective strengths of the community.

Transgender Center of the Rockies - Holistic Mental Health services for Members of Colorado’s Transgender and Gender expansive community

Trans Lifeline - Trans Lifeline connects trans people to the community support and resources they need to survive and thrive. Crisis/Suicide Help Line: 1-877-565-8860

National Healthcare Access, Relocation, and Emergency Fund Resources - A national resource webpage empowering transgender, gender non-conforming, and intersex (TGNCI) communities with information to navigate challenges and access support.

Colorado LGBTQ Family Law: A Resource Guide for LGBTQ-Headed Families living in Colorado -- Family Equity Council and One Colorado, November 2017
This is a legal guide for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) families living in Colorado released by Family Equality Council and One Colorado. This resource provides LGBTQ-headed families and LGBTQ adults considering forming families with detailed and accessible explanations of the current status of federal and state law, including recognition of same-sex marriages, parental rights, adoption, applying for documentation for children, nondiscrimination protections, school policies, healthcare, parental leave, and more. The guide also includes a list of legal documents it is recommended that all LGBTQ families secure in order to ensure their rights and wishes are respected.


Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection by Charles Duhigg


"Come inside a jury room as one juror leads a starkly divided room to consensus. Join a young CIA officer as he recruits a reluctant foreign agent. And sit with an accomplished surgeon as he tries, and fails, to convince yet another cancer patient to opt for the less risky course of treatment. In Supercommunicators, Charles Duhigg blends deep research and his trademark storytelling skills to show how we can all learn to identify and leverage the hidden layers that lurk beneath every conversation.

Communication is a superpower and the best communicators understand that whenever we speak, we’re actually participating in one of three conversations: practical (What’s this really about?), emotional (How do we feel?), and social (Who are we?). If you don’t know what kind of conversation you’re having, you’re unlikely to connect."

Order here on Amazon.
Spanish edition

Democracy in Retrograde: How to Make Changes Big and Small in Our Country and in Our Lives
 by Sami Sage


A whip-smart combo of self-help and political manifesto that is perfect for anyone who wants to save our democracy but doesn’t know where to start.

In today’s political climate, it’s hard not to get discouraged. Isolated, doom scrolling, lacking a sense of purpose or’s easy to become overwhelmed by the dire state of American democracy and do nothing, because why try when the odds are never in our favor?

Order here on Amazon.


Brené Brown talks with President Barack Obama about his life, his work, and his new book, A Promised Land. They dive into the power of leaning into uncertainty and why the rare skill of holding the tension of opposites makes us better leaders, partners, and parents.


Brené Brown  talk



Colorado Women's Bar Association

P.O. Box 1918

Denver, CO 80201

Telephone: (303) 831-1040


 SPRING 2024


The Colorado Women's Bar Association is not a law firm and nothing on this site constitutes legal advice. 

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